Guided tours

A town with two faces, Calais comes from the fusion in 1885 of two different towns : Calais and Saint-Pierre-lès-Calais.
A tour of "Calais nord" (North Calais) will plonge you into the past. Discover its history from the Middle Ages to the post-2nd World War reconstruction passing by the building and evolution of its forts.
A tour of the town center will bring you to Saint-Pierre and its rich industrial heritage. The flourishing lace economy in the 19th century enabled the town to build four main boulevards and diverse infrastructures for the dignitaries (theatre) and workers (trade union centre) alike.

Located between Flanders and Artois, Saint-Omer has played an noteworthy economical, religious and military role. Discover this city and its centuries-old prestigious monuments.
The town center includes several kinds of monuments, like impressive religious buildings (cathedral, Jesuit chapel), civil buildings (theatre, law court, train station), squares, medieval streets, public park, forts and flemish houses.

Another town ?
Do you want to visit somewhere else ? Or do you have a special subject to explore ?
Don't hesitate to let me know your expectations. With enough time, I can concoct a tour aux petits oignons* just for you.
Firstly, based in Calais, I can guide you all along the coast to towns such as Boulogne-sur-Mer or Dunkirk. Secondly, I could accompany you to other towns such as Lille or Arras.
Contact me for more informations.
* Literally : "with small onions".
Meaning : especially made for you with everything you like.
Educational workshops

Coats of arms and heralds
- Discover coats of arms history and evolution.
- Learn basic heraldry vocabulary.
- Identify the components.
- Make your own coat of arms.
Perfect for 6 to 8 years old.

Builders and measurements
- Medieval system of measurement.
- Measurement tools.
- Medieval church plan (drawn on a piece of paper or on the floor).
Perfect for 9 to 11 years old.
Tools : measuring rod, 13 knots rope, T-square, level, compass and virga (measuring slat).

Writing and paper
- Discover the history of writting materials.
- Learn about artisanal stationery.
- Make your own paper.
Perfect for 9 to 15 years old.
Writing materials : Papyrus, parchment, epigraphy, clay and wax tablets, and paper.

Maps and stars
- Discover navigation instruments from the 9th to the 18th century.
- Understand the relationship between tools and astronomy.
- Handle tools and calculate time, distance, height and latitude.
Perfect for 12 to 15 years old.
Tools : Astrolabe, sextant, cadrant, Jacob's staff, abacus and volvelle.
My educational workshops were created to be mobile. Equipped with my own materials, I can come directly to your school, museum, event ou cultural structure.
All my workshops are adapted to your needs, depending on the level of knowledge and the age of the students. For example : The medieval measurements can be used to recognise simple geometrical shapes or to practice Pythagorean theorem.
If you would like an original creation, don't hesitate to contact me. We can agree together on a tailer-made workshop, a theme and materials.
Dramatised tours

Monuments are so talkative
What if the monuments were alive ?
Believe me ! They would have a lot of things to say.
The gentle church Notre-Dame will show you her beautiful rose garden. The watchtower, oldest of the city with an "old France" character, would criticise everyone. Finally, the town hall, this young man who is a little too enthusiastic would tell you about.... himself.
Meet all these colorful characters and listen to their stories, history and "rants".

Félicien the dracologist
This is not just a rumour. In 2019, a dragon appeared on the Calais sea front.
Obviously, Félicien is on the case. He'll never miss a chance like this, you known ! To study a dragon without having to spend a fortune on a world trip.
Don't hesitate to follow this curious dracologist who get lost his research and discover the mystical connection that unites the dragon with the elements, heritage, war, forts and sea.

A boss who gives you du fil à retordre*
1884 : Calais is a thriving town thanks to lace industry. Working days are exhausting, especially in Boulart's collective factory where a boss, the surly one, looks for new apprentices and workers. Will you try your luck ?
*Literally : A thread to retwist.
Meaning : Giving you a hard time.
Booking is made with the Cité de la Dentelle et de la Mode
Do you want an original creation for your cultural site ? Please, contact me and we can agree on a theme and a character to give your visitors an unforgettable experience.
1h to 2h tour or workshop 115 €
1/2 day tour or workshop150 €
1 day tour or workshop250 €
Family package (2 adults and 2 children) 23 €
Adults 8 €
Child (6 to 12 years old)5 €
Free for under 6 years old exept for specific workshops 3 €